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How to Live the Life You Imagine

Updated on October 16, 2023
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is a kids' author who worked with challenged clients. She loves to share her experience in the mental health field with her readers!

Live Your Best Life Today

Life is relatively short! Why should you not strive to inhabit the life you have conceived of? It is your life, and you should live your life the way you find most endearing. Why do you tolerate certain people to influence your thinking? They talk to you about not doing something or accomplishing a new endeavor, you may desire to tackle an interesting project, an innovative business venture, or purchase a big-ticket item.

Are you looking for approval when you lack self-esteem? Alternatively, if you're worried about what other people think of you, your self-esteem may need a little picking up. Set your feelings aside and recognize when things hit the fan. You may need to do more. Note, if you are ever unfortunately sick, no one will come to your aid, except, perhaps your parents, or a cherished love.

Self-esteem is the key to your success.
Self-esteem is the key to your success. | Source

When You Feel Down, Pick Yourself Up.

What are you to do if you are not married, or don’t have someone to care for, or if your parents have passed away? Honestly, friends are typically known to act selfishly. They know you when they intuitively can get something out of your friendship. If you don’t have anything to offer your friends, your friends will eventually fade away.

When you feel down, or if something regrettable has happened, you are the only one who must muster enough courage to get yourself out of your fickle. No one will be at your door knocking to lend you a helping hand, or worse yet money. This is the wretched world we exist in! Then you must understand this intuitively. Friends are highly personal people and truthfully only care for themselves honestly. It's not until you become bitten that you start to see this dreadful truth about people, who you thought were your friends.

How to Improve Self-Esteem?

The way to build up your morale is to coerce yourself to think positively, even when you feel not up to par. Find small ways to make yourself happy regardless of what other people believe. Walk with your head high looking up, not downwards. You could start by preparing yourself a spectacular meal and take a pleasant walk in a quiet park on a sunny day where there is a pond, lake, or slow-streaming water.

Remember, how fortunate you are for having the bravery to pick yourself up by the bootstraps. Most people can't do that. They normally give up and prefer to rot their skills away!

Give yourself credit and say to yourself today is the first day of the rest of my life. Refuse to allow your past to dictate your future, even if you don’t have the money or career, you desperately desire. Besides, everything is not always about money! When you make yourself feel happy, marvelous things will start to occur spontaneously. You'll start to smile a lot more and have a more positive mindset about your spirit.

How to Increase Self-Esteem?

Remember not to dwell on those who have hurt you in the past. Say to yourself it is intuitive human nature to feel hurt, and the people who hurt you may not even know how much pain they have caused. They are probably oblivious to your ache since people normally think about themselves first. Get over the fact that people are extremely selfish. Even the ones who say they love you are too!

The best way to vent your anger is to write your feelings in a notebook, or a piece of paper. After you have written your heart out, and cried a substantial number of tears, rip, it up and get rid of the story you just wrote. Decide to forgive the people who have hurt you. Move along with your life and stay away from these hurtful people for a good while, until you can give yourself ample time to heal.

The more you treat yourself first-class, as the days go by, you will feel amazingly better. The situation that caused you to feel down will become a distant memory. Your hurt will fade with every passing day. Time truly does heal all wounds as the saying goes.

Dreaming a Bit is Grand.

Today is the beginning of the rest of your fabulous and unique life. You have a blank canvas to start over. You are the artist and the masterpiece of your life. Can you write down what you want to accomplish that pleases you? Feel right about yourself, because you are a survivor, and know how to make the best of a bad situation now.

Dream and imagine what you want to paint on your fresh canvas. It can truly be whatever you think is reasonably within your reach. You may decide to start your life over, in another state, or decide to begin a new career, or even try to tackle building a small business. It’s your canvas of life that must make you smile... You should live your life the way you dream it.

It's true life is short, even when you heroically reach the golden age of one hundred-one years. You deserve to live a life of abundance! You are truly unique, and there is only one of you in this entire world. You are here with a special talent that no one else can ever match.

It is up to you to develop your talent, and not feel bashful while developing your dream. Your vision once realized will benefit others and bless you tremendously in the process. Be happy and constantly make yourself better by endeavoring to live the life you have imagined. The world will be a better place, because of your awesome decision to live better!

How to Enjoy More Self-Esteem?

© 2010 Sheila Craan


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